Every month until the end of 2024

Win any Elixir ebook from PragProg

This month's entrants and numbers

Number Forum member
258889 Luis_RaNa's week 5 entry
906159 arcanemachine's bonus entry
409933 aidan.moffat's week 5 entry
800714 xpressgetaway's week 5 entry
561610 gflashner's week 5 entry
198515 jkdiaz's week 5 entry
159218 apsori's week 5 entry
412544 Mraiih's week 5 entry
826114 nate's week 5 entry
323518 DevotionGeo's week 5 entry
734143 conradwt's week 5 entry
241151 Supamic's week 5 entry
615928 Shadow's week 5 entry
058954 jss's week 5 entry
466652 mkasztelnik's week 5 entry
499890 herminiotorres's week 5 entry
970102 aifrak's week 5 entry
850399 PsionicAlch's week 5 entry
989515 Hermanverschooten's week 5 entry
725208 dani's week 5 entry
321100 stevelead's week 5 entry
110008 dpreston's week 5 entry
334727 mrmincent's week 5 entry
100832 jnederhoff's week 5 entry
129286 soyjeansoy's bonus entry
243432 soyjeansoy's week 5 entry
326367 arcanemachine's week 5 entry
951670 arcanemachine's bonus entry
450225 jmagnani's week 4 entry
691061 gflashner's week 4 entry
023976 joeb's week 4 entry
770852 mercyf's week 4 entry
740528 Luis_RaNa's week 4 entry
397776 Mraiih's week 4 entry
627910 jkdiaz's week 4 entry
806896 apsori's week 4 entry
387418 peterchancc's week 4 entry
233119 Supamic's bonus entry
241297 jnederhoff's week 4 entry
475376 herminiotorres's bonus entry
770528 DevotionGeo's bonus entry
353330 arcanemachine's bonus entry
739723 soyjeansoy's bonus entry
899347 nate's week 4 entry
715631 andreaa's week 4 entry
432739 Supamic's week 4 entry
613537 aifrak's week 4 entry
495952 herminiotorres's week 4 entry
490131 Enuzo's week 4 entry
017324 MatijaL's week 4 entry
395626 Hermanverschooten's week 4 entry
740835 stevelead's week 4 entry
664377 dpreston's week 4 entry
297941 jss's week 4 entry
121632 DevotionGeo's week 4 entry
584997 Shadow's week 4 entry
295141 dani's week 4 entry
976323 soyjeansoy's week 4 entry
457518 arcanemachine's week 4 entry
072219 soyjeansoy's bonus entry
824487 mrmincent's bonus entry
849228 arcanemachine's bonus entry
106331 arcanemachine's week 3 entry
371749 danielmartinezsarta's week 3 entry
163230 jefrancomix's week 3 entry
941433 Supamic's bonus entry
821102 Mraiih's week 3 entry
480836 herminiotorres's bonus entry
786940 rbrugnollo's bonus entry
624105 rbrugnollo's week 3 entry
823166 Insight's bonus entry
934030 Insight's week 3 entry
155146 soyjeansoy's bonus entry
575519 LeakyBucket's week 3 entry
711955 gflashner's bonus entry
342520 gflashner's week 3 entry
889366 xpressgetaway's bonus entry
405348 xpressgetaway's week 3 entry
903082 Supamic's week 3 entry
346943 mkasztelnik's week 3 entry
501711 mercyf's bonus entry
709062 mercyf's week 3 entry
277704 Enuzo's week 3 entry
957091 aifrak's week 3 entry
172484 herminiotorres's bonus entry
328456 MainKt's week 3 entry
758280 mrmincent's bonus entry
794297 soyjeansoy's bonus entry
977803 nate's week 3 entry
948191 herminiotorres's week 3 entry
407746 joeb's week 3 entry
694584 stevelead's week 3 entry
878688 Hermanverschooten's week 3 entry
957245 MatijaL's week 3 entry
326054 Luis_RaNa's week 3 entry
308861 jnederhoff's week 3 entry
044467 Shadow's week 3 entry
051668 DevotionGeo's week 3 entry
202059 dani's week 3 entry
601001 andreaa's week 3 entry
031768 mrmincent's week 3 entry
318193 conradwt's week 3 entry
052140 jss's week 3 entry
494082 soyjeansoy's week 3 entry
690835 zetaceti's week 2 entry
299265 dpreston's week 2 entry
742918 apsori's week 2 entry
267259 jkdiaz's week 2 entry
677977 Insight's week 2 entry
343769 nate's week 2 entry
821584 gonglexin's week 2 entry
151492 jnederhoff's week 2 entry
844242 mercyf's week 2 entry
519256 shzgfx's week 2 entry
080558 Supamic's bonus entry
086513 aifrak's week 2 entry
921105 Supamic's week 2 entry
490230 herminiotorres's bonus entry
086211 herminiotorres's week 2 entry
017350 conradwt's bonus entry
964157 conradwt's week 2 entry
315404 MatijaL's week 2 entry
411876 Hermanverschooten's week 2 entry
748293 jmagnani's bonus entry
284472 jmagnani's week 2 entry
165164 jkdiaz's bonus entry
758448 jkdiaz's week 2 entry
952460 DevotionGeo's bonus entry
505690 stevelead's week 2 entry
686098 soyjeansoy's bonus entry
863497 Luis_RaNa's week 2 entry
403346 mkasztelnik's week 2 entry
952400 Shadow's bonus entry
612777 Shadow's week 2 entry
434942 mrmincent's week 2 entry
545402 arcanemachine's bonus entry
799858 xpressgetaway's bonus entry
581808 xpressgetaway's week 2 entry
743430 andreaa's bonus entry
235461 andreaa's week 2 entry
438355 apsori's bonus entry
058913 apsori's week 2 entry
783584 DevotionGeo's bonus entry
514771 DevotionGeo's week 2 entry
423176 soyjeansoy's bonus entry
492431 soyjeansoy's week 2 entry
258120 arcanemachine's week 1 entry
205024 dpreston's week 1 entry
551205 DevotionGeo's week 1 entry
223318 jss's week 1 entry
277194 jnederhoff's week 1 entry
741811 Shadow's week 1 entry
791921 soyjeansoy's week 1 entry
545443 dani's week 1 entry
497905 herminiotorres's week 1 entry
401968 mrmincent's week 1 entry
041282 arcanemachine's week 1 entry
775122 slouchpie's week 5 entry

This month's Lucky Number


So far this month, there have been 158 entries in the competition.

Winners so far this year

Congratulations to the following forum members!


Bonus days so far this month

July 03, 2024
Condition: Follow @pragprog on Twitter!

July 04, 2024
Condition: Introduce yourself in our introductions thread!

July 08, 2024
Condition: Follow @elixirforum on Twitter!

July 12, 2024
Condition: Post on the forum today!

July 17, 2024
Condition: Post on the forum today!

July 19, 2024
Condition: Like and Retweet our Announcement!

July 23, 2024
Condition: Tell us what you've been up to! (Elixir-related!)

July 24, 2024
Condition: Introduce yourself in our introductions thread!

Find out more about the prizes by visiting: