We've teamed up with our friends at The Pragmatic Bookshelf to give you the chance to win any one of their ebooks on Elixir or Erlang. Not only that, we have two to give away every month until the end of 2024 - that's two Elixir Forum winners each month!
Whether you're just starting out on your Elixir journey or you've been using it for a while, PragProg have something for everyone! Their collection of Elixir books cover everything from the basics of Elixir, functional programming, and Erlang, all the way through to books about dedicated topics such as on Testing, Machine Learning, Phoenix, Nerves, Ecto and more! Whatever your area of interest or level of expertise, PragProg have something that will help you up your game and take you to the next level!
Every month, we will pick a random 6-digit Lucky Number which is displayed on our competition page for all to see. To enter the competition, all you have to do is log in via your Elixir Forum account and receive your weekly entry which is a randomly-generated entry number.
You can obtain a new entry number each week. At the end of the month, if any of your numbers turns out to be closest to that month's Lucky Number, you win!
So far this month, there have been 110 entries in the competition.
To make things more exciting, every now and then, we will announce special bonus days. These are days when you will be able to obtain a bonus entry into the competition. Some of these bonus entries will have a condition, such as first needing to make a post on the forum, or following or mentioning us (or The Pragmatic Bookshelf!) on social media. As long as you have met the criteria, you can get your bonus entry. Bonus days will be announced on the forum so be sure to regularly log in!
No problem! We've also got you an amazing 35% off all eBooks published by the Pragmatic Bookshelf! Simply use coupon code 'devtalk.com' to get 35% off!
Find out more about the prizes by visiting: